talk|Derma the Paediatric Skin event

Viatris are excited to invite you to our first National TalkDERMA live streaming event, focusing on paediatric skin conditions — the crucial first step in a patient’s lifelong skin health journey.

Join us as we hear from leading national and international experts and explore innovative approaches to enhancing the care and management of young patients in primary care.

This is a promotional meeting organised and funded by Viatris.


Professor Emerit.
Ulrich Wahn, Berlin

Internationally Renowned Expert In Paediatric Allergology And Pneumology

Dr Angelika Razzaque
MBBS MRCGP DFSRH DPD GPwER in Dermatology, SE London

Clinical Lead at OneHealthLewisham, and Associate Specialist at King’s College Hospital

Dr Inma Mauri-Sole​, LMS
Associate Specialist in Dermatology, Bath

Locum Consultant Dermatologist at the Bristol Royal Infirmary and in private practice

Dr Aggy York
MBChB GPwER in Dermatology, Manchester

Primary Care Clinical Lead for the Great Manchester Dermatology Transformation Programme


10:30 AM
10:45 AM

The Skin We Live In: Members of the Eczema Outreach Youth Group share their experience of living with eczema and the impact of your support in primary care

10:45 AM
11:05 AM

The Sleep Thief: Professor Wahn talks about the impact of untreated atopic dermatitis and the importance of the early treatment approach in primary care

11:05 AM
11:20 AM

Coffee Break

11:20 AM
11:40 AM

The Primary Care Dermatology Society (PCDS) Advice on initiation of Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors in General Practice - Dr Angelika Razzaque

11:40 AM
12:00 PM

The War Against Social Media - Dr Inma Mauri-Sole discusses the dangers of teens turning to skincare advice online

12:00 PM
12:20 PM

Turbocharge Your Patient Consultations: How to get the best patient outcomes in a short amount of time - Dr Aggy York

12:20 PM
12:40 PM

Q&A Session: Panel Discussion

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